About Us

6 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. Guys!! Wow! While I’m taking time to read those first posts on your blog, I am so happy for you two and your AWESOME project!
    I wish you lots of adventures, joy and beautiful discovers all around.
    Be safe and take care M&M 🙂

  2. Fantastic! Enjoy every moment during your adventure and keep on posting photos – lots of them. Be safe and hopefully our roads cross somewhere in the world M & M!

  3. I am so happy to have made both your acquaintance at Char’s 80th birthday party! And I’m so excited about your adventure and I think it wise for you to keep a blog. I have traveled to a few places and always keep a handwritten journal/try to record my experience every day. So many nuances are captured that might otherwise be lost because they ate seemingly inconsequential. Nothing is inconsequential! Bon voyage!

  4. It was a pleasure meeting two today! My son loves the dresser!
    I am looking forward to reading about your adventures! Have a ball!

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