Lima, a vibrant capital

Lima, a vibrant capital First stop in our trip around the world, Lima in Peru, where we stayed two full days. Despite some negative feedback we heard about Lima, we were charmed! Peruvian people first of all were very welcoming and helpful and some districts are straight out beautiful. We can certainly say that Lima … Continue reading Lima, a vibrant capital

Backpack preparation

Initially we thought that building the itinerary would be the hardest part in preparing our trip around the world but the hardest is actually deciding what to bring! Traveling for a year with only one backpack per person needs a lot of thinking and sacrifice (especially for Maider). During the year we will face pretty … Continue reading Backpack preparation

About Us

M&M for Matt & Maider This is the story of a French-American couple who decided to travel around the world for a year. Together for about 7 years and married for a little over 4 years, we have an unconventional story: – Matt was born in the US from French parents and moved to France … Continue reading About Us


Our trip will start on June 13 from London to Lima in Peru. A 12 hour flight to reach the capital of the country and start our 5 month adventure in South America. A 30-day trip including: a trek in the Andes Mountains, tasting of Pisco cocktails, and among other things, a site of the … Continue reading Itinerary